Cardinal Otunga
Located in Bungoma County, it is one of the top girls’ schools in Western Kenya region and one of our newest partner schools. They have almost 1,300 students.
Located in Bungoma County, Cardinal Otunga is one of the top girls’ schools in Western Kenya region and one of our newest partner schools. They have almost 1,300 students. Because of their high enrolment, overcrowding in classrooms and dormitories are both evident challenges for this school.
We have already accepted 15 girls with the top grades into the scholarship program in their first year!
We have no doubts this is a promising school with lots of potential to come in the future. In their first-ever experience at one of our workshops, one girl stood up and said that in the future, she will be the first female president in Kenya. We can't wait.
• 15 scholarships