Our Stories

Follow us to Africa
After two long years, we're finally going back to Kenya. Follow along on social media, as we make up for lost time with an action-packed itinerary.

Donor Spotlight: Karla Welch
Identified as one of the most powerful stylists by both The Hollywood Reporter and The New York Times, Karla Welch is most known for her career as a celebrity stylist but the serial entrepreneur is also dedicated to empowering women globally.

Donor Spotlight: Carla Hogg
Carla Hogg is the Founder and CEO of Gentle Fawn, a Vancouver-based clothing company who have teamed up with One Girl Can to take a stand for girls' rights and gender equality.

Here For Her Digital Future
This year’s International Day of the Girl is shedding light on the digital divide, and how it is reflected unfairly towards women and girls.

Donor Spotlight: Mai
For Mai’s birthday this year, she decided to do something a little different. Mai and her best friend Danny ran 26.1km (or 13.1 miles) and created a fundraiser to raise money to support a university scholarship for Felister. Read more about her story.

CEO In The Making
Purity is a recent One Girl Can graduate and the newest member of the One Girl Can team. As she begins her journey in the workplace, we know she is just getting started on her road to become a CEO. Read more about Purity and her story.

Donor Spotlight: Traction on Demand
Meet the Traction team. Last year, they successfully fundraised $35,000 to support 10 university students. This year, they've already exceeded their goal to continue supporting those students. Read more about their story.

Donor Spotlight: Cathy
Meet Cathy. She’s been supporting Antoinette’s education since her first year of university and volunteers to support with fundraising for our annual event. We are so lucky to have Cathy in our community. Learn more about her story.

Ground Breaking New Dormitory
In 2021, our goal was to provide the first-ever dormitory for Ushirika School to give the high school girls a safe and secure place to call home. This project will be life changing for the girls living in the Kibera settlement.

Can't Stop, Won't Stop
Meet Faith. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, Faith recently graduated university and is now working full time in the accounting field. Learn more about her story.

Donor Spotlight: Lorena
Lorena Ponis is the owner and designer of LOLO Jewellery, designed to "expresses one’s inner beauty without words." Through her business, she created the Unity pendant just for One Girl Can. Learn more about Lorena.

Donor Spotlight: Taslim
Meet our incredible donor, Taslim. Taslim first started supporting One Girl Can after attending one of our fundraising events and speaking to our founder. Today, she sponsors Faith, a student at Ushirika School. Read more about her story.

Her Story: Faith
Meet Faith. She was one of the first students from Ushirika School to earn a One Girl Can scholarship and has been excelling in her studies ever since. She hopes to pursue a career in engineering to help better her community. Learn more about her story.

Donor Spotlight: Sasja
Meet our incredible donor, Sasja, who develops leaders everyday with her business and supports the future leaders with One Girl Can.

Voice of the Future
Despite school closures, online learning, and a global pandemic, Millie recently graduated university with honours and has already started her internship.

Celine's True Calling
When the COVID-19 restrictions forced schools to close, Celine felt her calling to help her community at a time where support is needed. Read her inspiring story and the program she started to educate the youth in her neighbourhood.

Leading By Example
One Girl Can scholarship recipient, Annastacia, recently became the first in her family to graduate university! Learn more about her story.

Her Story: Charity
Meet Charity. She is a third year student at Ushirika Secondary School who is focused on working towards her career goal so she can give back to her family and community! Learn more about her story.

Beedie Dormitory at Ushirika School
Our most recent project building a dormitory on the campus of Ushirika School to give girls a safe and uplifting place to learn. Learn more about the dormitory.

On this International Women's Day, we #ChooseToChallenge the gender inequality in the world. Find out how our incredible partners Choose to Challenge for a more equal world.

Ushirika by the Numbers
Ushirika School took many hours, people, and unwavering dedication to complete. Here's a breakdown of what it took to come to life.

Something to Celebrate:
Ushirika School Opening
We completed our biggest project in January 2020 and the Ushirika School Opening ceremony was a day to remember.

Donor Spotlight: Darlene
Meet Darlene. She’s been supporting Roseline with her education since her first year in university and now after four years, Roseline has graduated with honours!

The Strength and Resilience of One Girl
One Girl Can scholarship recipient, Roseline recently graduated university with honours! Learn more about her story.

Limitless possibilities
Doris recently completed her degree in Commerce despite dealing with a pandemic in the background. She worked hard from a small farm town to graduating university.

Her Story: Linet
Her story is one of transformations. When we met Linet as a 16 year-old, she wasn't sure if she could finish high school but graduated with top grades. She is just starting university and has a promising future.

Think like a queen: Nova Stevens
Introducing our newest ambassador: Nova Stevens. As an advocate for racial injustice and gender equality, she uses her platform with Miss Universe to make her voice heard.

Her time to Lead
Irene knew she was on the path to achieve great things when she was six years old. Now, she is an incredible leader and mentor to all the girls in the program.

Her Story: Vivian
We first met Vivian in 2017 when she earned a One Girl Can scholarship. Now, she is entering University and we are so inspired by her drive to support and give back to her mom and older sister.

Take Action for Girls
International Day of the Girl, a day to recognize the unique barriers girls around the world face due to gender discrimination, is coming up on October 11. Read more to learn why you should support girls and how you can take action for global gender equality.

Ushirika takes action
As a response to COVID-19 school closures, Ushirika School founder, David Kitavi, started a program to continue mentoring students. Read more to learn about how the program is helping girls in the Kibera slums.

Donor Spotlight: The Jennings Family
For John Jennings, being involved with One Girl Can all started with a shower and a toilet and now supporting girls' education has become a whole family affair. Read their inspiring story.

Millicent's Story: Defying Gender Norms
Millicent recently graduated from university with a journalism degree. She's always had a strong voice, education gave her the platform to use it to change the world. Learn more out her story.

Donor spotlight: Miriam
Owner of Brunette The Label, Miriam lives and breathes 'Babes Supporting Babes' - her personal and professional mantra. This means lifting up women and girls everywhere and she lives it everyday. Learn more about her story.

Donor Spotlight: Shiah
Even though they're separated by 14,000 km, Shiah and Wincate are united by their belief in the power of women and girls. And even though they've never met, through their letters, they've developed a genuine relationship. Find out how Wincate added Shiah to her family.

Donor Spotlight: Ritz
After escaping political unrest in Laos, Ritz's family escaped to a refugee camp in Thailand for two years before being sponsored to come to Canada. Now, as a successful business owner, she supports six girls with their education. Find out more about her incredible story.

Meet our youngest supporter!
Meet Betsy - an 8 year old from the UK with a goal. When she went to Kenya for the first time at 7 years old, she discovered her passion for helping other girls. She is cycling 16 miles to help raise money for the two girls she sponsors.

Royashley's story: The power to change a generation
Royashley is 16 and graduating high school with a university scholarship. Get to know more about Royashley's story of overcoming her challenges and her size.

Wincate’s Story: From Poverty to Medical School
Growing up in a slum in Kenya, Wincate's opportunities are limited but that didn't stop her from making the most of everything she's been given. Learn more about how she's overcome challenges to fulfill her dream of becoming a doctor.