Donor spotlight: Miriam

As the owner of Brunette The Label, Miriam lives and breathes 'Babes Supporting Babes' - her personal belief that she describes as 'a way of life, to strive to create a community that is inclusive of all babes. Inspiring, strengthening, and elevating each other to be the best version of ourselves.'
Miriam's a strong, independent business woman, who has a passion for giving back and lifting up all women in all aspects of her life. Her personal and professional values are rooted in helping women succeed and when she discovered One Girl Can, it was a perfect partnership.
Learn more about Miriam's inspirational story.
What motivated you to sponsor a girl?
As you grow and evolve, you realize the importance of support. For me, education and support really go hand in hand. I think that it’s important to support and work with women so that they can grow and become independent. I love what Lotte Davis (One Girl Can founder and CEO) is doing with One Girl Can, it’s really amazing and I wanted to be a part of it.
Why did you choose One Girl Can?
I chose One Girl Can after I heard about them through some friends. I did some research into the company and really liked what they stand for and the work they do. I really look up to Lotte and that she’s worked so hard to build a beautiful company [AG Hair] but then realized that her passion was giving back.
I’m at that place in my life that I really want to be able to do more to give back as well. I love that One Girl Can is locally-founded company that’s all about babes supporting babes so it felt like an authentic partnership.
What have you learned about Jackline through your journey with her?
Human resilience.
It’s really incredible to see that she has been through hardships and is so excited and passionate about school. I’m impressed that she wants to get A’s in every subject because I never did that! I’m inspired to see that she loves school and learning and is so excited about being there. I am really inspired by the fact that she wants to be a doctor so that she can help people in need because that is the babes supporting babes lifestyle.
How has supporting a girl impacted your life?
Supporting a girl has impacted my life because I know that I’m tangibly supporting someone with their education so that they can support themselves.
In regards to supporting women in my day to day life, I’ve realized that one of my passions is helping women grow. I think that I’m standing here today because of the women who have supported me and I want to do the same for the next generation of women.
What message would you share with someone considering sponsoring a girl?
We’re standing on the shoulders of the women who have stood before us, and I think that it is our responsibility to help and support the next generation of women. We all have to work together to grow and support other women and girls. Babes Supporting Babes!
Be a changemaker like Miriam and help a girl get an education so that she can begin to change the world. Just $42/month or $1.40/day covers tuition and board for one high school girl for one year.