Walking side by side

How Transoft raised over $10,000 for One Girl Can in one afternoon.
“I was working remotely in Kenya, from September through November last year and that was when I visited the One Girl Can offices to meet with Irene Muinde, Executive Director in Kenya,” recalls Daniel Shihundu P. Eng, President at Transoft Solutions Inc.
To celebrate their 30th anniversary, Transoft planned a charity walk called the TOGETHERTHON. Thirty girls, representing 30 years of Transoft’s existence, walked at Karura Forest in Nairobi, Kenya.
With employees dispersed across the globe, their event needed to be meaningful and accessible for everyone to participate in simultaneously.
Each office took the day off on October 21, 2021, to join in an activity of their choice: walking, biking, strolling, hiking, etc. Transoft made a donation on behalf of each participant and matched employee's donations.
“I believe, as an organization, we have a responsibility to influence and steer the direction of equity, diversity, and inclusion to allow others to reach their full potential."
Daniel, Transoft Corp

The team raised $10,500 to help support university scholarships for three young women in Kenya. This means each girl will have her room, board and tuition covered for a year as they pursue their degrees.
Daniel participated in the Kenyan fundraiser at Karura Forest, Kenya. The park is home to 31 miles of walking trails, a green oasis inside the city, and just a 15-minute drive from Nairobi’s central business district. Karura forest is popular for its flowing rivers, bamboo jungle, 49-foot-high waterfall, caves, and wetlands.
“The highlight of the day was meeting the girls and hearing how they were doing,” Daniel says. “I had a chance to meet Rita, one of the girls Transoft is supporting and who is currently on an internship with the organization. She is working remotely from Kenya as a junior software developer for our UK office.”
"As an engineer, I know firsthand the gender imbalance in science, technology, engineering and math.”
Daniel, Transoft Corp.
transoft + one girl can
Transoft first got involved with One Girl Can back in 2018 as part of an initiative to create education opportunities. Daniel was born and raised in Kenya, and already had a good understanding of One Girl Can's activities in that part of the world. A partnership with One Girl Can seemed like a natural fit.
“I have five sisters who have all benefited from having access to a good-quality education which has also positively impacted our families,” says Daniel. “My siblings and I were fortunate that our parents could afford the best education. Not everyone in Kenya is given the same opportunities," Daniel says.
The TOGETHERTHON ─ a play on the words “together” and “marathon” ─ just made sense for Transoft to give back while building connection. “After our walk, I had the chance to have a more in-depth conversation, in Swahili (the local language in Kenya), with some of the girls,” says Daniel. "I was struck by their drive and focus on education to succeed in life."
Ready to create a unique fundraiser with your team? Visit our Fundraise page to find ways to get involved today.