Donor Spotlight: Darlene

Roseline is a One Girl Can scholarship recipient who, recently graduated from university this year, despite a global pandemic. While her success is due to her hard work and perseverance, knowing she had the support of Darlene, gave her the confidence and belief that she could accomplish anything she puts her mind to.
Darlene supported Roseline’s scholarship through all four years of university. She tells us her One Girl Can journey in her own words.
How it all started
After 25 years of owning and running a business, it was time to retire and move on to ‘funner’ pastures. I always felt the desire to make a difference in someone else’s life¬–to mentor, to support, to assist in ways I had not done before.
In 2016, when I was searching for some form of giving back, I was introduced to One Girl Can through a friend. When I attended my first IWANTtoBE fundraiser, I was impressed and I think it should be called a ‘Fun Raiser’ to be honest–it is so much fun.
I chose One Girl Can because it is all about women and their personal and professional development and I have always believed in the power of women. I appreciate that it is owned by a woman and I feel I have a direct impact.
I opted to support Roseline from her entrance into Murang’a University of Technology until her graduation for continuity and to really give her the confidence that I was with her all the way. It is a very amazing experience to see her development and progress.
Through our emails and letters over the four years, I can really understand directly how this organization has and is changing her life. Our exchange of letters have been so exciting to read and enjoyable to see the continual progress she has made.
She is a passionate and dedicated student and given her last year was during a pandemic, she never doubted she would succeed and complete her goal of graduation. Well done Roseline! I am so very proud of her.
If I could be with Roseline, I would give her a huge hug and give my heartfelt congratulations to her for all the hard work and effort she has put into her life, which has really just begun. Roseline has shown me that she is hard working, kind, empathetic and loves her family above all.
Even more, I know she is a lifetime friend as well and can’t wait to hear from her as life unfolds in ways never before experienced.
My personal decision to support Roseline has more than exceeded my expectations because I absolutely know that I am making a difference. Roseline has told me this numerous times and her appreciation is not only herself, but from her family who she speaks of so lovingly.
The power that these girls carry with them into their communities is immense and lasting. The gift of education is a gift that just keeps on giving, it truly does.
After attending last year’s virtual fundraiser and the impact I was able to make for Roseline, I chose to sponsor two more girls, Munyu and Naomi and I have every faith that they will do well.
I’m so happy that I am able to make a difference for these girls, who are destined to change the world.