IWantToBe Live Auction Item: Ross Penhall's 'Hidden Beach, Haida Gwaii'
Ross Penhall, Hidden Beach, Haida Gwaii, oil on canvas, 32 x 40 inches.
About the painting
Hidden Beach is one of just few paintings produced by Vancouver-based artist Ross Penhall during a fishing trip with his daughter in Haida Gwaii. However, this unique experience has inspired many other paintings from different locations since.
“We passed this secreted cove every day on our way fishing, but I revisited it even more often in my mind and began to envision how I could exaggerate the composition and make it my own”, says Penhall. “It felt like I was going back in time, seeing this historic and breathtaking scenery through the eyes of people who lived here and survived as naturalists while the world around them moved in a different direction."
About Ross Penhall
Ross Penhall was born in West Vancouver in 1959 and attended the studio art program at Capilano College. He has exhibited his paintings annually since 1995 and continues to exhibit with Gallery Jones in Vancouver, in San Francisco, and St. Helena. His work can be found in numerous public, corporate and private collections worldwide.
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