Press Release: One Girl Can Partners with Local Brands to Challenge the Digital Divide in Recognition of International Day of the Girl

This year’s Day of the Girl, be #HereForHerFuture
Vancouver, B.C. (Monday, Oct. 4): Did you know that the gender gap between boy and girl internet users is 43% in the world’s least developed countries?1 This year’s celebration of International Day of the Girl is focused on this digital gender divide and calls for ways to bridge the gap. One Girl Can and Go Goat Sports are celebrating Day of the Girl by launching a global call-to-action through an interactive social media campaign, and are partnering with Gentle Fawn, who have created a limited-edition Revival scarf, with proceeds going directly to support One Girl Can.
Celebrated annually on October 11, International Day of the Girl aims to shine a light on injustices and the many challenges girls to this day still face. One Girl Can’s campaign will encourage people to share how they are #HereForHerFuture on their social channels. Go Goat Sports is donating $1 for every post shared on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn, using the hashtag #HereForHerFuture throughout the month of October. 100% of Go Goat Sports’ contribution will go directly towards scholarships for new university scholarship students and career development programs for new university graduates. In addition, 25% of Gentle Fawn’s profits from the Revival scarf will go directly towards One Girl Can.
“STEM education —Science, Technology, Engineering and Math — has been directly linked to economic growth to tackle poverty, climate change, food insecurity and infectious diseases,” says Lotte Davis, CEO & Founder, One Girl Can. “All of these issues have their greatest impact on women. Globally, 80% of jobs created in the next decade will require STEM skills. Access to technology is a necessary part of the equation, and we want to continue bringing awareness to the growing gender gap.
Leading up to October 11 and throughout the month, we invite you to share your own stories of how you and your team are #HereForHerFuture.
The Revival Scarf from Gentle Fawn comes in two colours: charcoal and sand and are available for purchase starting October 11th from their website
To participate, use the hashtag #HereForHerFuture and for more information, visit
Join us in promoting gender equality, human rights and highlighting the needs and challenges girls face all over the world.
The origins of Day of the Girl go back to 1995, when 30,000 women and men from nearly 200 countries convened in Beijing for the Fourth World Conference on Women. It culminated in the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the most comprehensive policy agenda for women’s empowerment to date.
One Girl Can is a Canadian and Kenyan registered charitable organization breaking the cycle of poverty and working to achieve gender equality through education and mentorship. The organization’s unique holistic model empowers a girl from the time she leaves primary school until the day she gains meaningful employment. One Girl Can is built on a foundation of three pillars that interconnect organically to alleviate gender inequality: We Build. We Educate. We Mentor.